Deuterium is a naturally occurring isotope of hydrogen, but only in trace amounts. Deuterium is often referred to as "heavy hydrogen" because unlike "normal" hydrogen atoms it also contains a neutron in addition to the "normal" one proton and one electron. Deuterium increases in the nucleus during cellular division. This is normal and healthy. Excess amounts of deuterium are found in all chronic diseases. A healthy deuterium level in the human body is less than or equal to 130 ppm (parts per million). The company Lite Water listed below offers saliva deuterium tests for sale.
Even most physicians don't remember from their biochemistry classes that the human body produces DDW in the final step of mitochondrial energy production known as oxidative phosphorylation. One of the healthy aspects of exercise is the production of DDW. Athletes participating in long hours of aerobic exercise daily have been found to have deuterium levels in the 80 ppm range because of the deuterium dilution effect. Below is a link to a list of foods which shows their deuterium content.
Thomas Seyfried's recommended calorie restricted ketogenic diet is a very effective method to lower deuterium levels. The point of Seyfried's diet was to achieve a blood glucose level of 65mg/dl and theoretically starve cancer cells of their preferred energy source, glucose. Seyfried said a blood glucose level of 90mg/dl was ineffective and a level 65mg/dl or lower is therapeutic. This does not seem logical, as the difference between therapeutic and non therapeutic levels is not very great. We hypothesize that the true mechanism of Seyfried's diet may in fact be from deuterium depletion and not the absolute blood glucose level. Hippocrates Research Foundation is advocating for persons losing too much weight from Seyfried's calorie restricted diet to concentrate on lowering their deuterium levels to 100 to 130 ppm tested by a saliva deuterium level. Drinking DDW is the fastest way to lower deuterium levels and does not cause weight loss. Most studies have cancer patients start drinking DDW at about 100 ppm. Refer to the Lite Water Dilution Chart below. Some cancer patients feel fatigued or flulike if they start drinking more concentrated DDW. Every 3 to 4 week patients progress as tolerated to drinking DDW with less deuterium content. Another pillar of Seyfried's Protocol is Hyperbaric oxygen (HBOT). The positive effects of HBOT on mitochondrial number, size, and function have been well documented. Seyfried thought the effects of HBOT on cancer were related to an increase in ROS. We hypothesize HBOT also lowers deuterium levels, but this has not yet been published to our knowledge.
Deuterium Depletion: A New Way in Curing Cancer and Preserving Health is a book written by Gäbor Somlyai and available on Amazon. It delineates his studies on deuterium that began in the early 1990s. It describes the healthy and detrimental effects of deuterium regulating biological and physiological processes. Most of the studies are related to cancer, but several address other disease states and even the effects on athletic performance.
There are a number of companies selling Deuterium depleted water that can help lower the total body level of deuterium. Some companies also offer test kits to measure deuterium in tap water and saliva. At this time, deuterium depleted water is somewhat expensive, but there is a new company in Austin, Texas with plans to start selling bottles of DDW for little more than a standard bottle of water. When this less expensive DDW becomes available, it will be posted on the HRF website.