HRF at a Glance
The experts at Hippocrates Research Foundation have years of experience successfully reversing chronic diseases when standard of care medicine has failed. Most chronic diseases can be traced back to mitochondrial dysfunction and insufficient cellular energy production. Through thousands of years of evolution the human body has been hardwired to heal itself if adequate amounts of energy are available. Proper diet, exercise, supplements, pulsed electromagnetic fields, red light therapy and hyperbaric oxygen are a few of the metabolic interventions proven to improve mitochondrial function and energy production. The criteria for interventions at HRF is “First do no Harm.”
Recently, the experts at HRF realized most all of their metabolic therapies used to increase mitochondrial function could be traced back to increasing molecular hydrogen and decreasing deuterium or "heavy hydrogen". For instance, the supplements psyllium, inulin, and galactose greatly increase molecular hydrogen production from the gut microbiome. A ketogenic diet with a decrease in sugar consumption also decreases deuterium levels. We suspect hyperbaric oxygen lowers deuterium levels, but this has yet to be confirmed in published literature. There are over 3000 articles published in peer reviewed medical journals detailing the therapeutic mechanisms of action for molecular hydrogen and deuterium depletion. Hydrogen is the most perfect antioxidant, small enough to repair DNA, increase mitochondrial function, and facilitate many crucial chemical reactions. Deuterium (heavy hydrogen) is naturally occurring and facilitates cell replication. However, excess deuterium negates the positive effects of molecular hydrogen and is associated with all chronic diseases, including cancer.
Research shows no side effects from increasing molecular hydrogen and decreasing deuterium. Diseases ranging from metabolic syndrome, obesity, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, cancer, and even ALS have been positively effected by increasing molecular hydrogen and decreasing deuterium levels. We believe this mechanism of action is responsible for much of the success of Thomas Seyfried’s Press-Pulse Protocol. HRF is using this knowledge to decrease the cost and improve compliance with the Press Pulse Protocol. These two metabolic therapies can also be combined with standard of care therapy to enhance the therapy and decrease side effects.
HRF believes we are at the point with cancer where HIV and AIDS were 40 years ago. Liquid biopsies are available today for very early cancer detection, years before clinical manifestation. We have been able to monitor and keep circulating cancer cells in check, which could eventually lead to the prevention of most cancers through optimization of cellular health. Research is needed to validate and replicate the initial work on a larger patient population and among patients with different types of cancer.
At this time Hippocrates Research Foundation does not have the staff to work directly with patients. We are doing our best to raise funds which will allow us to hire more staff, train physicians, conduct clinical studies, and most immediately update our website to better serve. In the future HRF desires to have a list of certified healthcare professionals to assist in optimizing health, and “First do no Harm.”

Starving Cancer: Breaking Down Thomas Seyfried's Radical & Controversial Protocol
In January of 2024, Hippocrates Research Foundation was on the Dhru Purohit Podcast highlighting the incredible stories of patients Den Stacey and Dr. Michelle Howard (Co-Founder of HRF). Den reversed his Stage 4 Pulmonary Artery Intimal Sarcoma using Thomas Seyfried's Press Pulse Protocol, without chemotherapy or radiation. Dr. Michelle Howard made the very early liquid blood biopsy diagnosis of her malignant melanoma and ovarian cancers before a clinical diagnosis of cancer could be found. This is the ultimate form of cancer prevention. Michelle has also kept her cancers in check for many years also without chemotherapy or radiation. There is definitely a narrow path to success using metabolic therapy to treat cancer.
Two of the main reasons for appearing on the Dhru Purohit show were to show proof of concept and to garner support for a clinical trial. Physicians are not eager to participate in alternative cancer treatments without a clinical trial. A government or university sponsored trial would protect physicians from liability and provide safety and continuity of care to patients.
A New Alternative to Thomas Seyfried's Press Pulse Protocol
The vast majority of folks who contact Hippocrates Research Foundation are looking for help to implement Thomas Seyfried's Press Pulse Protocol to help fight cancer. Unfortunately, Dr. Seyfried's Protocol is not a viable or long term option for most. We will outline the problems and supply alternative solutions. First, patients lose too much weight trying to achieve the recommended 65mg/dl blood glucose level. Second, costs associated with Seyfried's Protocol can easily exceed $75,000 USD and is not covered by insurance. The recommended Hyperbaric oxygen treatments at 2.2 atm or greater taken three times per week average about $4000 USD per month. A six month course of 6-diazo 5-oxo L-Norleucine now costs about $40,000 USD and is very difficult to source. Furthermore, physicians are not eager to implement adjunct or alternative treatments for cancer without the protection of a government or university sponsored study to protect themselves for medical liability.
We believe much of the success of Seyfried's Protocol may be explained by the increase of molecular hydrogen gas and deuterium depletion. There are over 3000 published peer review articles describing the therapeutic applications and mechanisms of action for molecular hydrogen gas and deuterium depletion. Click on the buttons below to learn how we arrived at our conclusions.
The foundation for our research at Hippocrates Research Foundation as related to cancer dates back over one hundred years. Nobel Prize Recipient Otto Warburg discovered damaged mitochondria in cancer cells in the year 1923. Healthy cells predominantly metabolize fat as opposed to sugar for their primary fuel source. This occurs in the mitochondria of the cell and is known as oxidative phosphorylation. Cancer cells use the inefficient fermentation of glucose to produce energy even in the presence of oxygen. The production of lactic acid and the toxic free radicals are byproducts. The cancer cell's inefficient method of producing cellular energy has become known as the Warburg Effect. Scientist have long been looking for a "Switch" to turn off the Warburg Effect. At HRF we believe the "Switch" could be related to balancing the metabolic effects of molecular hydrogen and deuterium.
Hippocrates Research Foundation is advocating for a clinical trial which combines standard of care oncology treatments combined with molecular hydrogen, deuterium depleted water, and a deuterium lowering diet that does not cause weight loss. The costs associated with this study would not exceed $10,000 USD per patient.
The Home Run
Histotripsy and the Abscopal Effect
Histotripsy was pioneered by the University of Michigan in the early 2000s. It is a non-invasive ultrasound procedure that generates bubbles that disrupt and liquefy tumor masses. It received FDA approval in late 2023 to treat liver tumors, either primary or metastatic from other primary tumors.
The Abscopal Effect is when a local treatment (such as radiation therapy) causes regression of not only the primary tumor being treated, but also tumors distant from the original treatment site. This sometimes happens spontaneously, but may be more likely if the immune system has been stimulated, such as by an immune modulator, although it has also been stimulated by a variety of substances from injected bacteria or flu virus in some studies.
Mitochondrial-Stem Cell Connection
This is an interesting article published in September 2024 in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine that discusses the theory that combines the cancer stem cell theory and the metabolic theory. It suggests that cancer originates from oxidative insufficiency in stem cells that leads to the formation of Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs) and abnormal energy metabolism. With time this can ultimately lead to the development of a malignancy. The article goes on to suggest a combination of therapies aimed at the Mitochondrial-Stem Cell Connection, which includes seven therapeutic recommendations. These therapeutic recommendations include orthomolecules (Vitamin C and D and Zinc), pharmaceuticals (repurposed drugs including Ivermectin, Benzimidazoles and DON), and other therapies (fasting, ketogenic diet, Press-Pulse Therapy, physical activity and Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy) that have shown to have an effect on oxidative phosphorylation, reduce glucose and glutamine (fermentable fuels), and target Cancer Stem Cells and metastasis.
First, do no harm to the patient. HRF researches the mechanisms by which patients can optimize their health span and athletic performance

Dr. Howard's Stage Zero Cancer Story
After a possible breast cancer scare the year before, Michelle decided to have a liquid blood biopsy. This is a simple blood test looking for cells, DNA fragments, or unique proteins shed by malignant tumor cells. The first liquid biopsy Michelle used offered by the company Oncoblot, and the test looked for the ENOX-2 protein. Unfortunately the Oncoblot test came back positive for two cancers- malignant melanoma and ovarian cancer. Total body scans revealed no signs of cancer, so presumably the cancers were detected very early. The melanoma was not completely unexpected as a melanoma was removed from Michelle's leg about 20 years earlier, and conventional follow up “studies” had always been negative. The ovarian cancer was a surprise. Michelle opted to have her ovaries removed. Not surprisingly, no tumor was found in the ovarian tissue. After all, this is the beauty of screening for cancer using a liquid biopsy. These tests detect Stage Zero Cancer- when only a few circulating cancer stem cells (CSCs) are detected, and years before a lump or bump would show up on a traditional radiologic study.
To note, Dr. Gregory Howard (Cofounder of HRF) orders a circulating cancer stem cell count on himself annually as a cancer screening test. RGCC International is the company Dr. Howard uses for circulating cancer stem cell detection. Physicians that order RGCC testing can be found on the website Drs. Howard believe circulating cancer stem cells are the first detectable warning sign for cancer. Patients without a history for cancer do not have CSCs. Persons with a history of cancer will have CSCs for the rest of their life no matter what treatments they receive. If CSCs are kept below 2.5 cells per 7.5 ml of blood, statistically the is a very low incidence for a recurrence of cancer.
It was a difficult task to find Michelle's melanoma, as she was covered with freckles! But after reading studies and case reports, Michelle and her dermatologist decided to sequentially apply the prescription immune modulator cream (Aldara) to stimulate her own cells to attack and help locate abnormal skin cells. It finally produced a response on the chest area, which blistered and healed.
Routine follow up was done by monitoring CSCs through RGCC and the Nagalase blood test offered by Health Diagnostic Research Institute. The Nagalase test measures an enzyme that breaks down certain glycoproteins (sugars attached to proteins) and glycolipids (sugars attached to fats), and can be elevated in cancer and viral infections, among other things. Although it is not a specific diagnostic test for cancer, it is a rather inexpensive test that can be used to follow the effect of therapy on certain cancer types and viral infections.
RGCC performs many tests on CSCs to better determine which chemotherapy, hormones, or natural substances the CSCs are sensitive to. Michelle began a series of supplements and the ketogenic diet (cancer loves sugar!). The response to the different supplements and diet were assessed by the periodic CSC count and Nagalase levels. The ketogenic diet was helpful, but not a good long term solution. Some supplements decreased the Nagalase number to normal, but overtime the number began to creep up again. Apparently cancer cells are adaptable, and appear to be able to mutate or change in some way to get around the treatment being administered. This seemed to indicate a need to try multiple modalities and supplements in a rotating fashion- there was no “one size fits all” approach that was effective longer than several months. Most patients and physicians are looking for a “one and done” treatment. This is not realistic, and cancer must be treated as a chronic disease to ensure there will be no recurrence. Michelle had to learn to live with cancer- much like a diabetic lives with constant blood sugar monitoring or a hypertensive patient lives with blood pressure monitoring. Most recently Michelle has started on a protocol to increase molecular hydrogen and decrease deuterium levels in the body.
Keeping cancer in check is a work in progress, trying different supplements and treatment modalities, then assessing the effect with periodic Nagalase blood tests and CSC counts. Michelle does this with grace and ease while living her life: supporting her family, working as an anesthesiologist, Ironman training, and constantly updating the Hippocrates Research Foundation website.

Patient Den Stacey before the Press-Pulse protocol.

Patient Den Stacey after the Press-Pulse protocol.

Resolving Pulmonary Artery Intimal Sarcoma via the Standard of Care combined with Metabolic Therapies
Den Stacey was the first patient that approached HRF to help address his Pulmonary Artery intimal sarcoma after surgical resection, using metabolic therapies and avoiding chemotherapy or radiation. After surgical resection, Den identified Thomas Seyfried and his Press-Pulse Protocol, who referred him to HRF to help him further implement the components. After months of a strict diet, thrice weekly Hyperbaric Oxygen treatments and adding supplements and DON, his scans showed resolution of the lung metastases and No Evidence of Disease (NED) on follow up PET scans. Throughout the therapy Den has been instrumental in identifying helpful tactics to address a variety of minor side effects (I.e. gastrointestinal) that have been instrumental in achieving success with the Press-Pulse Protocol.
Patient with Type II Diabetes Mellitus and Cardiac Disease

David Daniels Before Picture

David Daniels After Picture
David Daniels struggled with Type II Non-insulin dependent diabetes, very high Lipoprotein (a) and an elevated cholesterol for about seven years before his first heart attack. His doctor told him that his Type II diabetes was genetic and not reversible, and also did not want to treat or address the elevated Lipoprotein (a). He began having heart attacks at a rate of about one per year requiring multiple cardiac stents. After working with Hippocrates Research Foundation to implement a ketogenic diet and wearing a continuous glucose monitor, David lost almost 50 pounds and reversed his diabetes. HRF helped find David in a study to enroll in which would address the Lipoprotein (a), but unfortunately he was assigned to the placebo arm of the study. David quit the study and is now taking prescription drug Rapatha to lower both his Lipoprotein (a) and cholesterol. Rapatha acts by different mechanisms than the statin drugs usually prescribed to lower cholesterol, and therefore does not have the same side effects. Since working with HRF, David no longer has diabetes and has not had more heart attacks or stents.
"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together."
Vincent van Gogh
Contact HIPPOCRATES RESEARCH FOUNDATION with your questions.
1790 Hughes Landing Blvd, Suite 400, The Woodlands, Texas 77389
Before filling out the Contact form regarding cancer, please read the sections on Molecular hydrogen, Deuterium depleted water, and Histotripsy and the Abscopal Effect. We will call or email you as soon as we can, either directly or through WhatsApp. Unfortunately we do not know any physicians in the United States or worldwide that are currently supervising the Press Pulse Protocol at this time, but we are happy to share the knowledge we have of supplemental therapies that can be used in conjunction with standard of care oncology.